Monday, August 31, 2009
Moon Boots Rock!
Sunday, August 30, 2009
Saturday, August 29, 2009
Around the yard
Anyhoo... I took a few pictures around the yard today while the boys were playing.
I love our sunflowers!
I justified spending a bunch on landscaping this summer so I could double it up as decorations for Sawyer's birthday party. So... we went with all red, white and blue flowers.
This chair was the "Deal of the Summer" last year. I found it at Shipshewana filled with a gorgeous mum for only $20! What a steal!
Here's Sawyer showing off his prize tomato!
The boys being goofballs.
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
Nesting Freak!
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
Three times the fun!

We had a PERFECT day by the pool. Between the 3 couples we now have 7 kids and 2 more on the way! Kristen and Jeff have adorable triplets-Luke, Benjamin and Abigail. They are adorable!!! Kathy and Jason have 2 kiddos- Joseph and Madeline and another one on the way.
Here are our two boys and Joseph having fun.

Saturday, August 15, 2009
Proud Wife
Thursday night made it official for our family. Ben accepted the position of Head Principal of Fairfield Jr/Sr High School for the 2010-2011 school year. This basically means that he will continue on as the Assistant Principal (Now titled for him "Principal in Waiting") for this year but will take over officially at the end of the school year.
We feel so blessed at this opportunity. We never in a million years thought this transition would be taking place in our lives so early. Then again if you had asked me 5 years ago if I would be a "Domestic Engineer" with two little boys and another baby on the way I would have laughed at you!
It is amazing how God has things in motion way before they are ever on the radar for us. In this case it has been wonderful to look back and see how God had this organized 10+ years ago. Here is a brief explanation of this. Hopefully you can follow it.
-6 years ago when we bought our house the people who sold it to us wanted to move so that they could be in Fairfield School district. (Our house is the LAST house right outside the district.) This was the first mention of Fairfield we ever had.
- Ben's current principal-Phil Hoskins is good friends with Ben's college basketball coach. He remembered watching Ben play in the Final Four in high school and throughout college. When he happened to mention to Coach Kessler that he was looking for a new Dean for his school. Kessler suggested looking up Ben.
-Ben and Phil met, quickly became friends, and Ben was hired as the Dean. That year on a leap of faith we decided for me to stay home with the boys and take a maternity leave.
-The following year the Assistant Principal took an Elementary Principal position and Ben moved into that role. I resigned my teaching position.
-This summer Mr. Hoskins announced his retirement and Ben was immediately hired as the "Principal in Waiting".
We give all the credit for this job to God. We are so thrilled with Fairfield Schools and could not be happier to know we will be in this area for at least another 3 years.
With this new job I know that I will see less of my husband but we are taking on this job with a "Family" mentality. The kiddos and I will also be spending a lot of time at his school. (Sawyer calls it "Daddy's home" when we drive by.) We will be going to sporting events, eating lunch with him and any other activities that take place there just to allow us some time with Ben while he is working.
So... as a proud wife I congratulate my husband on a job well done and to this accomplishment. I am so happy and proud of him!
Thursday, August 13, 2009
My "Big" Cowboys
Trying to get them settled down with a story before bedtime. The first night it took them about an hour to go to sleep, night #2 about 35 minutes, night #3 25 minutes and night #4 about 30 minutes. We are improving slowly but surely!
Naps have been another matter. I got Charlie to take a nap in our room twice this week so that was helpful. The rest of the week has been napless. Ugh... so tiring!
Here they are enjoying their new box that I put in there of "quiet toys" that Charlie is allowed to play with in our room during nap time just to get him out of my hair for an hour a day.
I will leave you with this little image of "Cowboy Charlie". I do wish he preferred wearing clothes under his vest and chaps but hey I am even more thrilled that he is wearing UNDERWEAR! That's right folks it is a year and a half in the making but he is officially potty trained! Woo HOo!!! When I was a teacher I used to think, "Why can't these parents just get their kids under control?" I realize now I was a moron! Parenting is so hard! Potty training has been the worst for us but I think we have won the battle. Here we come Sawyer! You're next! :)
Saturday, August 8, 2009
When the cat's away...
Charlie stayed the night at his cousin Jace's house last weekend. Is that the TV on?????? And M&M's????? Man! This is the life!
I'm guessing Charlie told them, "My mom just lets me stay up really late watching cartoons and eating M&M's. That's what we do at our house!" Yeah right!
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
LaPorte Triathlon 2009
A time to celebrate
Ben is triathlon ready! Those pics coming tomorrow!