Maybe this will inspire you to make your own list.
Thursday, October 30, 2008
These are a few of my favorite things...
Maybe this will inspire you to make your own list.
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Seven things
1. I tend to go through insomnia periods. I have always been a bad sleeper. I will frequently wake up in the middle of the night and be up for 2-4 hours. This was my worst pregnancy symptom. It was almost every night for the last few months. I guess God was preparing me for motherhood.
2. I LOVE Mexico! Anything Mexican. Beaches, Sand, Water, Burritos, Fajitas, Margaritas, Cabana Boys etc...
3. I love being a mom of two boys. They are the best! I can't believe how much I enjoy being a "stay at home" mom. Way more than I ever thought I would!
4. I would like to become a doula someday. I thought pregnancy and beyond were honestly kind of gross before I had my own children. Now I am obsessed with learning about labor and delivery. I looked into the requirements and I know now is not the time in my life for this since babies tend to come at all hours of the day and can take more than a few hours to arrive.
5. I was voted "Most School Spirit" in high school. This is what Ben responded to when I asked him something interesting about me.
6. My mom, sister, and I were all in the movie "Prancer". I got paid $40 for the day. That is a lot of money to a fourth grader!
7. I wish I could dance. I sometimes think I can but deep down I know I would be one of those people that are on the first episode of "So You Think You Can Dance" and everyone would Tivo it and watch it over and over again while laughing hysterically.
peace out,
Sunday, October 26, 2008
Those were the days...

Wait it gets worse...

You are all sworn to secrecy! No one, I repeat NO ONE is allowed to tell Ben I did this! Poor guy. It really is sad.

And finally... I just had to do it. I know I am sick.

At least I didn't subject my children to this!
Try it out for fun!
Friday, October 24, 2008
Oh for the love of Brownies!
Sorry Sawyer, that is the price you pay for eating brownies.
Thursday, October 23, 2008
Music added
Hope you enjoy the tunes. Feel free to change the song or just mute it if you are a grump.
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Thank you!
Friday, October 17, 2008
I'm in Love...

Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Fraulein Maria????
I am off to sing, "These are a Few of my Favorite Things" and make some more beanbags...
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Weekend in good ole' LP

There is a little kink in the plans though... Charlie told me that he wanted to marry Megan so he called her and said, "Marry me Megan!" He then looked at me with the biggest grin on his face and said, "She will!" It was so cute! I doubt Troy is going to let him win though so I think he will just have to settle for Ringbearer instead. :)

Monday, October 13, 2008
8 seconds...
Ben and I got to ride a mechanical bull at his school on Friday night. Here are the pics. I was really hoping to beat the pants off of him. But... he won. I only lasted 3 seconds. I forgot and used both hands for a minute. Ben stayed on for 11 seconds. He came in 3rd place for the "Celebrity Bull Riding" (faculty members).
And she's down.... Look at the kids in the background! They are like, "Who the heck is this lady???"
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
Fall is in the Air...
Joslyn posing for her closeup on the hayride. She is so stinkin' cute!

This picture shows how close the boys are in size. I have people ask me almost every day if they are twins!

When we came home Charlie and I baked a fresh apple pie. He is really into cooking. He is constantly saying, "I wanna help you! I help you Mom? I wanna help you!"
Finally it has been harvest time here at our house. The boys LOVE to watch the tractors and semis collect all the corn. I bundled them up yesterday, gave them each a snack and sent them to the porch to watch the action. Charlie got to go for a ride on one of the tractors. He thought that was pretty cool!

So what is everyone else doing to enjoy this beautiful fall weather?