Sunday, September 13, 2009

Sad but True

Most kids our boy's age use "sticker-reward charts" at some point for motivation. This is what our's look like at our house...
Ummhhh... A work still in progress. Any suggestions from any of you veteran parents out there????? We (I) am at our wits ends with the biting. So tired of it!


Team Tonagel said...

That is awesome.

Angela said...

We've been dealing with biting with Isaac too. We've tried EVERYTHING! I know it sounds a bit barbaric, but we now put a jarred jalapeno pepper in his mouth when he bites. It really has seemed to help him cut down. Have a drink ready for when he's done.

a.tonagel said...

Wooo... we haven't tried that method! I am not beyond it at this point. Enough is enough! Thanks for the tip Angela! I will keep you all informed if it works or I just learn that Sawyer likes peppers!