Monday, December 28, 2009
Lovin' the "Baby Bump"
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
Merry Christmas!

We wish you all a Merry Christmas! Enjoy the time with your family and friends.
Saturday, December 19, 2009
Decorating the Homestead
Having 2 toddlers that want to "help" with everything and an infant that just wants to be held all the time make it a little difficult to decorate a tree and put up breakable decorations all over the house. So far our decoration casualties include: 2 snowmen candlesticks, 3 ornaments and a few magnetic snowmen that are missing limbs. I'm sure that won't be all by the end of the season.
My Fontanini Nativity and our Stockings. I still need to get Brooksie one.
Here is the boy's tree that I let them decorate and redecorate constantly. They are very proud. :)
Some of my favorite ornaments-
Star for Sawyer's birthday.
You know we love tractors at our house!I have grown to really love nativity sets. I have a few now. Last year someone pointed out to me that they loved this Mary and Jesus because you don't normally see Mary holding Baby Jesus in the nativity. I thought about that a bit. Having a newborn gives you a new perspective on Mary's role in the Christmas story. Lots of things come to mind- She was so young! She must have been scared and excited all at the same time! Was she worried? I could go on and on. In the end though she was still a new mom and I know the Bible says that she placed him in the manger but I bet she held him just as much if not more. She probably couldn't take her eyes off of him. He was her brand new baby let alone the Son of God!
Thursday, December 17, 2009
Christmas Crafts
I bought a big roll of banner paper, green and red paint and Christmas stamps. We are painting our Christmas wrapping paper this year. I thought it would keep the boys busy and be a fun activity. Notice I said, "I thought." Yea, not so fun! The boys liked it for about 30 seconds. (like all crafts I make them do!) Then they just ended up smearing the paint all over. They both had showers today after only doing enough paper for one present each. I am planning to just have them keep painting at least one a day until everything is wrapped. If you get an unwrapped present from us this year I apologize. I gave it my best.
Look at the paint all over Charlie's chest!
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
Breakfast with Santa
This past Saturday we went to "Breakfast with Santa" at our Community Center. To say that it was a little hectic and crowded would be an understatement! Thank you to Ben for giving up hunting for the morning and going with us instead! I would have never survived with all three boys on my own.
Here are a few pictures of our morning.
Saturday, December 12, 2009
A long week
Yea! Daddy is home!
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
I couldn't resist...
If you remember I said I wouldn't post the identity of the poor person in the photos and I am sticking to those words.
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
Monday, December 7, 2009
PETA fans cover your eyes!
I can't post this without mentioning that my husband- AKA "Great White Hunter" shot a handicap deer this year. Seriously! It had only 3 legs and the antlers are all wacky! Someone please tease him about this since I am a super supportive wife and would NEVER EVER mention that he shot a poor little innocent animal that was defenseless since it couldn't even run that fast. Don't tell him I told you any of this information.
Sunday, December 6, 2009
Weekend with the Tonagels
Papa Hughie watching a cartoon with three of his grandsons.
Kathy and Hugh with their 4 grandsons. They are now 8 for 8 with boys and another boy on the way for Greg and Amy! I think we are starting our own "Tonagel Militia" or something.
Saturday, December 5, 2009
Good Manners
This morning Charlie said, "Thank you Mommy for breakfast. May I please be excused? Oh Wait! You didn't get me my breakfast. I got it out. So... Thank you Charlie for breakfast. You may be excused."
Ben and I died laughing!
We are off to cut down our tree and decorate the house. I can't wait to see our "Griswald" tree. Ben always chooses a doosey! They usually end up with comical names like "Big Bertha."
Friday, December 4, 2009
When Nana's Away...
A few weekends ago we had the chance to catch up with some of Ben's cousins- Matt, Courtney, Nolan and Meredith Richards. They recently moved back to the U.S. from Italy this past summer. We were anxious to get all of the little cousins together so they could have fun and the adults could catch up.
Here are the boys holding a WWF wrestling match.
Sawyer discovered a HUGE bag of mini marshmallows in the kitchen and decided to have an indoor snowstorm with them when we weren't paying attention.When Courtney and I discovered what they were doing I said, "Quick! Just turn around and pretend we didn't see that. I don't want to deal with it yet!" :)