So I think it is pretty safe to say that I went a little overboard last weekend at Luke's 3rd Birthday party. He had a "Basketball" themed party. It was a blast! We were supposed to come in basketball attire. So instead of just taking the easy route and wearing Fairfield jerseys I had fun digging through our basement and bringing out item after item from 1997. Ben actually called Jessica to warn her that I was "out of control!" I think he was pretty embarassed but he played along to make me happy.

In the end Ben ended up sporting his Slicer Warm up shirt, Old Jordan shoes, Final Four Hat and his State Medal. He also had on his Grace College Jacket.
I didn't want to scar anyone at the party with an old
cheerleading uniform so I just opted for the
warm-up suit and my letter jacket. I completed my ensemble (I feel like I am in "Fashion Review" all over again.) with very large curls and an even larger white bow on the top of my head. I also couldn't pass up the opportunity to wear a silver star sticker by my eye and
Cheerleading medal.
The boys looked adorable in their new
baller outfits and sweatbands. They also carried in signs that were for Luke.
Here are Jess and I in our

Doesn't Sawyer look like a crazy NBA player? :)

For dinner we had all concession stand food like
hotdogs, popcorn, soft pretzels, cotton candy, etc... They also had the music from "Hoosiers" playing while the all the little boys were announced for the Starting Line up.

We surprised Luke with some wild and crazy fans. As the boys were introduced we painted their chests to spell "Luke #24" So cute!!!

Happy 3rd Birthday Luke! We love you!