Monday, September 27, 2010

The Out-takes and my hidden talent

Does anyone have any clue how hard it is to get three boys under the age of 5 and two ADD adults to all look at the camera at the same time? Let me assure you it is practically impossible!!!

So here is the VERY first picture Darc took.
Everyone is perfect except ding dong me with my eyes closed.


Let's try NO ONE looking at the camera.

And everyone but Ben making a weirdo face.

Have you used the restroom lately??? If not, you might want to before seeing this picture.
No, I am not kidding!

Ok, so apparently I have a career in interpretive dance. I have absolutely NO CLUE what I am doing in this picture. I don't remember dancing around at all but apparently I did at some point. Look at everyone looking at me like, "Yup. She's completely lost it."

Good thing I can laugh at myself (remember the driver's license????)

Enjoy my dancing skills...

Ok, go use the bathroom. Stay tuned the next post... the ones that were usable! :)


Anonymous said...

Seriously, I haven't laughed that long and hard in MONTHS! Oh my gosh, thanks for that. I think maybe if I keep looking at it that maybe I can laugh this baby out. I kept thinking about it and would start laughing at random times during the day and now Meredith thinks I am losing my mind. LOL Anyway, that was hilarious. Thanks

darcy said...

STILL LAUGHING at the interpretive dance one! oH my gosh.. that one needs to be an 11x14 up on the wall.. just so you can giggle every time you walk by! And that first one you look gorgeous! I can't wait to see the rest! That sounds so weird considering I took them! HA!

Team Tonagel said...

I love Ben's face in this picture. He just looks like "Yep, that's my wife." Is this a normal occurrence at your house? haha, this is hilarious!

Kathy Tonagel said...

I love how Charlie and Sawyer are looking at you, confused and uncertain at what you're doing...

beautiful pictures! Thanks, I got them in the mail yesterday.

dianne and bob said...

I did laugh and laugh at the last one... thanks for the bathroom warning!

I especially love Charles looking at you; as if to say - "what the heck?"

Rachel said...

HAHAHA--- sooo funny! i'm still smiling every time i remember a glimpse of your lovely dance move! :)

The Van Vactor family said...

I love those! Jeff and I are laughing so hard at the last one! I know exactally what you are doing... shaking your hair back and your shirt! just so funny that Darcy caught that picture! I can't wait to see the rset!

Linz said...

Just now got around to checking these funnies out and oh my word...crackin' up over here! And yes...get a big ole 16 x 20 for your wall of the dance pic! U look beautiful in it so hey...what's it hurt??:)

RetroLeeTX said...

Baaa Haaaa! those are Hi-lar-eeee-ous!
I never knew you were a Dancing Queen :)

Elizabeth said...

oh. my gosh. that is HIL. ARIOUS.
and yet you do it with grace and poise. the funny thing is that eveyone else is just so natural looking.. as if you were superimposed into the picture!

I really like that first one too- use your mad PS skills to just clone (open) up your eyes. Everything else about it is so perfect. and your eyes are perfectly shut too. your top is stunning as well!