Monday, November 10, 2008

Ho, Ho, Ho!

I have to share this funny story. I'm sure my writing won't do it justice but here it goes anyway... Try to keep up with this conversation between Ben and Charlie.

Tonight at dinner, Ben asked Charlie what kind of snack he had at Storytime today. Charlie said, "A chocolate thing". I told Ben it was a "Ho, Ho". So Charlie then precedes to go "Ho, Ho, Ho!" Ben says, "No, that is what Santa says. Three Ho's. 'Ho, Ho, Ho!' ". So Charlie then says, "Ho!" And Ben says, "No, not one Ho. Two Ho's." (Are you starting to see where this is going???) "The snack you had has two Ho's. 'Ho, Ho'. " So of course then Charlie has to come back with, "Well what is one Ho?"

We didn't answer. We just tried to cover our laughter. :)

This along with a 2 and 1/2 hour nap out of Charlie was the bright spot of the day!

peace out,


Team Tonagel said...

Not a post for a whole week and then two in one day?! Now that's the blogger I know and love!

Anonymous said...

Um, I check your blog like everyday..I was starting to worry about you! LOVE the story about the "ho's!" A lady at work came up to me yesterday and in a sing-songy way said "HI HO." I didn't think anything of it until she started laughing and apologizing for saying that! "HO" must have been Monday's word of the day :)