post long overdue but we did it! Most of us did it better than others (everyone but me!!!) but we all completed the LP Triathlon! I set it as a goal for myself 6 years ago to do a triathlon. I did do it but not in the way I was hoping to. To say I was disappointed in myself would be an understatement. So disappointed in fact that I am torturing myself with another one next month just to hopefully feel better about myself until next summer.
Here are some random pics from the day...
The babies loved the race!
Me nursing Brooks right before jumping in the water. I have to admit that I LOVE this pic. Despite my chubby thighs (why didn't i think to photoshop myself???) I like how you can see my number, timer, goggles and Brooksie's little feet. Thanks Mal!
Cabbana Boy and two of our cheerleaders.
We made special shirts for the race. The boys were very specific on what they wanted them to say. Charlie's says, "Champion Charlie". Sawyer's read, "Go Mom! Beat Dad" and Brooks' said, "Hurry up Mama! I'm Hungry!" Our new header at the top of the blog is a pic of the back of their shirts.
Our family after the race. Side note: Cabanna Boy and I celebrated our 10 year anniversary a few days before the race.

At Oinks that night. That is pretty much how I felt after eating burgers at Redamaks and then icecream.
Yay, Amanda! 30 and going strong! Can't wait to see the great results from the next Tri!! Love the nursing pic, btw. :)
Love the new look of the blog! I am SO proud of you for doing that tri! YOU ROCK!!!
Redamaks is a huge huge memory for me! I want to take T there some day! My grandma used to always take us there when we visited...I always played the claw machine and won something! aH, THE MEMORIES... You did awesome, better than I would have done!
Love the pics, of course, ... and the new header! Good for you to try and improve by doing the next triathalon.
Although I am blown away by your success in the LP tri.
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