Sorry for the delay in posts lately. It's hard work keeping up two blogs, a fairly large chaotic house, feed and clothe three boys and make dinner occasionally!
Here is a brief summary of our last few weeks. I don't normally blog about our daily happenings but here ya go...
-Story time started up again! We love it! It's like a free hour and a half of preschool every week. I could listen to Gisela speak/read with her German accent every day. Brooksie likes the crafts at Storytime and our new Baby K'tan! Have I mentioned that he practically lives in this thing?!?!? :) 
-Farmer Bobeck and Mrs Bobeck came over for lunch a few weekends ago. He surprised the boys with their own "auger" for harvest season. He has two grown boys and he said they played with an auger when they were young so he wanted our little farmers to have one also. Aren't they cute playing farm with him! (Not so cute was the 2,000 soybeans that ended up ALL over the entire house! We had harvest season early and spent about an hour one night before bed finding soybeans in the carpet.) :) 
-Spring is here!!! Yea!!! We are all enjoying hanging out in the yard. We practically live outside in the summer. I can't wait for planting season (for our flowers and garden and all the fields around us! You know we love our tractors!)
~ I started to accidently take someone else's boy from church. I have three I just got confused and grabbed another! In my defense they all looked pretty much the same!
~ Charlie has been referring to adults as "humans". He told me he was using an "human" spoon this morning.
~ The other day they came in from playing outside. Charlie was rubbing his head and saying, "owww..."
I said, "What happened?"
Sawyer said, "I hit him in the head with a rock. I had to! We were playing David and Goliath!"
oh my...
Here are the big boys being BOYS!
Well I guess that basically catches you up on our lives right now. Ben has been working a lot lately. He has had many night events. It is spring so that means award nights and dances. Apparently he broke out the "Superman" dance at the semi-formal last weekend! j.k.
Prom is coming up in a few weeks. I need to start practicing my moves so I can keep up with all the young girls. Heaven forbid I embarass my husband!!! :)
Prom is coming up in a few weeks. I need to start practicing my moves so I can keep up with all the young girls. Heaven forbid I embarass my husband!!! :)
peace out,
FINALLY:) I have been waiting for a new post! Hah, love Brooks in that hat sitting in his Bumbo seat... how cute! And cute picture of the boys being boys. Like the bandana look on them... it suits them.
My goodness Amanda, WHY are you sorry?? You are like superwoman and you make all us other mom looks bad out here, come on!! You need to slack off a bit more once in a while so we can all catch up with you a bit. :) Great job Supermom!
Love, Courtney
are they the cutest boys EVER?? as well as Jace and Will of course.
I hope you go to that dance and break it down sister!!! Show those high school girls what is up with some of your DWTS moves :)
I am so glad to see a new post... but no pressure! We all just love seeing pics of theT-Boys!
I love the oops comments - we all have them... but tend to conveniently forget them!
Your boys are too funny! I love all the pics you post! I keep up with you regularly!
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