Monday, December 22, 2008

Calvin Klein has nothing on Charlie! (Day 2 update)

Today is our first official, no turning back day of potting training. We decided that the pull-ups just weren't working and we were just going to try going straight to underwear. Charlie thought he wanted to be potty trained last spring and we were so excited but the excitement only lasted about 2 days. He just doesn't seem to care about going in his diaper/pull-up. This is our last ditch attempt! Charlie's friend Luke got him some underwear for Christmas last night. Luke's mom Jessica got him his own pack of gum for when he goes in the potty.
So far it is 10 am and he has gone about 7 times in the potty since 7:45 am. He has peed once in his underwear and then gaged and threw up on another pair. We are now on our third set of underwear. We only have 6 so I hope we make it through the day!

Let's hope I survive the next few days. I have heard from friends that it takes about 3 days of hard work but it is worth it in the end. Let me know if any of you have any suggestions for us!
ps. Isn't that the cutest bum you have ever seen?!?!?! :)
Potty Training Update: 9:51 pm Monday night...
Day one complete. Not very successful. We went through all 6 pairs of undies. I have concluded after a few of Charlie's comments that his strategy was to actually go in his underwear so that we would have to change them. He wanted to wear all the different colors! Ugh... He said, "Yea, now I get to wear the green ones!" Oh my... anyone have any suggestions for this????? Please!!!!
Day Two Update: Much better today! He still messed in two pairs but that is a big improvement on yesterday's stats. We made a few phone calls today when he did well. He wanted to call his Papa Hughie and Cousin Ly-ly (Lyla) to tell them when he went in the potty. He also informed me today that it is ok to "toot" in your big boy underpants. :)


The Grady Five said...

It is SO worth it!! You will love only having one kid in diapers!! Keep at it!!
Love you!

Megan said...

When Charlie gets married these pictures MUST be on the slideshow haha :)

Team Tonagel said...

Haha...too funny. You sold me Charlie. Where can I get some of those?