Trying out some frames that i bought. i know it doesn't really go with this photo but I was just playing around. :) The punks are really into wrestling right now. Here they are showing off their wrestling outfits and the trophies they "won". My job was to keep track of their moves. I know NOTHING about wrestling so I wrote down things like, "armpit move", "stinky breath move", "sit on your brother's face move" and my personal favorite, "moves like Jagger". :)

Punk 1 and his spaceship command center. He was planning to blow up some evil doer.
I have been freezing all week. I just can't seem to get warm. These haven't come off my feet for a few days.
Oh happy day! My first canvas! love!!!!
Pretty but oh so cold...
Playing "The Dukes" with my punks. Boss Hogg crashed into Roscoe and the Duke boys and Daisy won the chase. :)
I MISS SUMMER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I will admit that we had a lot of fun this morning taking the punks sledding. But my heart will always belong to hot summer days spent in a pool. :)