Last week we took our annual trip to Iowa to see our wonderful friends the Grady family. It was so great to see them and our SIX kids had a blast together. We went to Grace College with Matt and Athena and we gave Charlie the middle name of Grady after their family.
We escaped the craziness of the kiddos for one night and went to a Japaneese Steak House. So good!!!!!
Brooksie trying out some of the dress up clothes.
After Iowa we decided, What the hay let's drive another 8 hours and head up to good ole' Rhinelander, Wisconsin. Yahh... You Betcha'! Ben's college roommate Ryan is a native Hodag (mascot for Rhinelander). His family is the best. So sweet.Here is Sawyer cuddling with his new buddy Brody.
Charlie being brave and holding one of the chickens.
Sawyer showing off his balancing skills.
Brody and Brooks having fun on the swings.
Sawyer looking oh so sweet and innocent for 10 seconds.
Having fun at a secluded beach. This setting was perfect! I loved it! Two loons were on the lake calling to each other. The trees were beautiful. Kind of reminded me of Forks, Wa. :) (ps. going to the movies tomorrow!!!! ahhh!!!!)
The boys "catching" their first fish.
Good job Sawyer!
Brooks was incredibly naughty on our trip. He slept terrible. Here he is barely awake and mommy gave up and stuck him in the sling with the hopes of sleeping.
What cute little tushies...
You Betcha we had a great time on our little jaunt across the midwest!
We had such an awesome time with you guys - it went by WAY too fast!! Looking forward to seeing you again in October!! Thanks so much for always making it our way every summer! What an awesome tradition!! Love you guys!!
C-UTE pictures! Love the group shot of the kids. I was hoping for a couple more juicy pictures from the steak house night. What did you guys do again?
First of all, is that Ben drinking a Saki-Bomb!?!
Second, Amanda your photography is getting SO good. I am very impressed!
Um... I have no idea who's drink that is. I think some random person put it there! How dare they! I hope we didn't get charged for that. :)
I'm supposed to take the boys fishing for their first time!
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