Wednesday, December 15, 2010

For the LOVE of Sprinkles!

Finally a post from me! I needed to take a little time off from the blogging world. For those of you who were wondering I did get to finally attend the homebirth. The poor gal went 8 days overdue so I felt like I hadn't stopped staring at my phone/computer waiting for word to jump in the car. So... my eyes needed a break.
But you don't have to wait any longer... here are a few pictures from me passing on my love of sprinkles to my boys!

Confession: store bought cookie dough from Aldis

Oh, I'm so proud. Look at all those sprinkles.

Charlie showing off his masterpiece

My entire kitchen was covered in sprinkles!

Would you like a cookie with your sprinkles?

Decisions, decisions. Which one to eat first?

That's my boy! Spoon on the sprinkles!!!!

Finished products. They got to do more cookies with Nana a few days later. I think they are officially sprinkle addicts also.

And my attempt to get a picture of all three. (The impossible task.) Notice how they picked out their own clothes, no one is matching and no one is really looking at the camera.

As good as it gets. Pretty cute if I do say so myself.


dianne and bob said...

Oh, I do love watching your boys.... and I do love cookies.... hmm... covered all my bases!
Looking forward to seeing a passel of T boys soon.

Team Tonagel said...

We made sugar cookie cut-outs this week too! And instead of making my own dough, I too cheated and bought the Betty Crocker packaged sugar cookie mix.... super easy and so good! Looks like the boys had fun in the kitchen! Cute pics.

Linz said...

That looks like a BLAST! What a fun momma u are:) Just a cute post. period.