peace out,
peace out,
As you can see here, the fight is on. "Ding, Ding" Charlie wins Round 1.
"Ding, Ding" Round 2 goes to Sawyer
Uh Oh Charlie is backed into the corner in Round 3.
What is your prediction? Who will win?
Mom of course!! Did you really doubt me?
For future reference Troy, save your poor sister-in-law some trouble
and send 2 lollipops next time.
Just teasing. We really did appreciate the package.
They shared the lollipop over the next several days.
Is it just me or does anyone else in the Midwest think crop dusters are both insanely crazy but also the coolest thing ever????
I took these pictures a few weeks ago while standing on my front porch. I used my normal lens on my camera. No telephoto lenses here, people! (Although, if you see Ben, hint around that that would be a great gift idea! Thanks!)
On with the story... In the bottom photos you can see the outline of our porch and the barn behind our house. They really do get that close!
The first summer we lived in our home I was upstairs when I heard the loud engine coming outside. I ran to the window and about peed my pants when I looked out and the pilot literally waved at me (not kidding!). I thought for sure he was going to hit the house!
Now, I know some people worry about the chemicals that are being sprayed out of the planes. Around our house, if it provides a few minutes of entertainment for the boys, I am cool with it! So... if they end up with an extra eye on their forehead or something. I will just blame those crazy crop dusters. :0)
peace out, a